Junior Lifesaving Sport Programme
Over the last 5 years the Club has been very fortunate to be able to offer athletes a sports programme run by experienced surf coaches. Our presence at competitions has increased significantly and the royal blue and white club colours have been proudly displayed on the podium many times.
We believe this programme provides young athletes with a pathway to developing their own strength, build confidence and determination while improving their surf skills. This programme is available for both our Development Squad and Oceans Training Squad members in the 10+ age groups.
Junior Surf Supplementary Training Programme & Equipment Hire
For updates and training session schedules click here to follow us on Facebook
For those Junior Surf members who want to represent the Club and compete in Lifesaving Sport events, there are a number of carnivals and competitions held throughout the Coromandel and Bay of Plenty regions. There are also events in other regions throughout NZ and our members may enter to compete in carnivals in different regions if they wish. For more information on carnivals and competitions, download the guide under handbooks.
Further enquiries about competing should, in the first instance, be directed to your coach. Otherwise, the Junior Surf Competitions Coordinator can assist or you can contact our Director of Sport.
For members 10 years of age and over, there is an added national competition, Oceans. This is the Under 14 Surf Lifesaving National Championships held at the beginning of March each year. Additional training during the week and during the summer school holidays is mandatory for all members wishing to compete at this national event. Training is done under the guidance of our Club's Head Coach.

Junior Surf Equipment Hire
To ensure Junior Surf Club members have access to suitable surf-craft/equipment to support their sports and lifeguard development, the Club has foam (foamie) and fibreglass kneeboards available for hire on a per season basis. All equipment is allocated relative to skill levels, commitment to training, attendance at competitions and Club involvement.
All Junior Surf athletes wishing to train on and use either a foam or fibreglass kneeboard must read, complete and return the Equipment Policy and Hire Form before equipment allocation can take place. This form can be completed electronically and returned via email to the office: [email protected]
If you want more information please email: [email protected].
For more information on Surf Lifesaving New Zealand and the Junior Surf programme click here.